Uploading new dataset

Uploading new dataset

ODP enables you to upload your own data in the form of excel sheet, CSV, and TSV formats. After you collate all your information from various sources, you can prepare your own data and upload the data in the ODP Website.
To upload the data:

  1. Login with your Username and Password in the ODP Website.
  2. On the Home screen, click Upload data. The Dataset Upload page opens.


  1. Click . The File Upload pop-up appears.
  2. Select the file that you want to upload. You can upload excel sheet, CSV, and TSV format files.

NOTE: Your data file should contain certain numeric values and the data should be updated regularly on a timely basis. ODP does not upload the file, which contains plain texts alone. You can download the sample file for your reference on the same page.

  1. After you select the file, the tool provides the status of your file upload.

If your file upload is successful, you will get the status as:

If your file upload is unsuccessful, you will get the status as:

If your file verification fails, your file has some issues and you need to make sure your file is in proper format.

  1. After the file verification is successful, provide the dataset Metadata in the Name field. This step is mandatory.

A metadata is a small information and description of your collated data.

  1. Enter a small description in the Description field.
  2. Enter the source of your data in the Source field. Example: Google.
  3. Enter the source URL in the Reference URL field. Example: http://wikipedia.com.
  4. Enter the publication date.
  5. Enter the Accessed on date.

NOTE: Step 7 to Step 11 is optional.

  1. Click .

After you click submit, your data submission will be in processing.

After your data is successfully submitted, you will get the upload report as:

You will also get an e-mail in your registered email, with the upload details.

The upload process is complete.
Scenario 1:
The following excel sheet has the population details of different countries in Africa continent:

Consider a scenario that you want to upload this file in the ODP. After you upload this file, you will get the status as follows:

In this scenario,


Denotes the main information of your data.


Denotes the types of the data.


Denotes the status of the data.


Denotes what all data you have in your file.

Scenario 2:
Consider a scenario that you have an invalid format file. The following files are the invalid files: