Public datasets ETL failures

Public datasets ETL failures

Following are the steps to handle when there are ETL failures:






1.Go to the Africa scope Portal’s health page:



2.Click Failed tab.




3.Open the datasets under Knoema-Automatic that got failed.


4.Select the dataset id from that link



5.Select datasets tab under Admin and paste the dataset id to get original dataset


6.Open original dataset and copy the dataset id



7. Go to dataops.knoema.com. Open routines tab paste the dataset id.Open and check the previous run. Then based on that click over Execute button.




8. If the dataset fails again go to automatic updates tab in dataops.knoema.com and search the dataset. Open it and click assign tab and create a FIX. Add labels in FIX ticket(name and auto).




9. After creating the FIX ticket report to the data ingestion automation channel and tag the respective PM, also share the FIX ticket created for visibility.


In a similar way we can do for other portals



For South Point Capital after creating FIX ticket report in data support channel by filing a data support request. Tag @clientsupport for everyone’s visibility. Also share the FIX ticket link.


Here’s the template we can use when reporting this on the data support channel:


Hi team, these datasets have failed in the Southpoint portal.

(Respective dataset.)

Please check and let us know the status of the datasets. Thank you!