Create data visualizations

Create data visualizations

Turn numbers into visuals: some useful tips for creating engaging data visualizations in Knoema.

Tip #1. Reuse!

No need to start from scratch. There are plenty of ready-to-use content available for you

  • Gallery
  • Atlas

Copy/paste visualizations between pages using Gadget Bin. Use “Save Copy” command to create a private copy of some page and alter it for your needs.

Tip #2. Dataset Viewer is your ultimate starting tool

Many nice and simple visualizations could be done in Dataset Viewer alone. How to get to Dataset Viewer?
  • From gallery’s pages via «Open in Dataset Viewer» command for visualizations
  • From World Data Atlas using «Explore data» command
  • From search results
  • From Data menu by browsing via dataset

Play with different visualizations in Dataset Viewer. It’s smart and recommends you best visualizations based on your data selection.

Tip #3. Create pages with many visualizations and customize layouts 

Your pages may contain arbitrary combination of charts, tables, map, text and advanced visualizations.
  1. Select initial page layout while creating it, customize later as needed
  2. Use Split command to break gadget area into two either horizontally or vertically
  3. Resize gadgets using splitters on their edges
  4. Increase/decrease page height using resize handle at its bottom

Tip #4. Make your pages dynamic

Parameterization could be used to make your pages dynamic. There are 2 parameterization options:

  1. Page-level parameterization. Parameterize page by country/indicator to reuse the same template, but substitute data for country/indicator selected by user.

  2. Gadget linking. Link gadgets to provide detailed information based on user actions

    • Link table rows to detailed chart presentation
    • Display detailed data breakdown in chart/table for country clicked on a map

Tip #5. Rely on smart auto titles and subtitles

Knoema automatically composes titles for your gadgets based on data selection. You can edit titles and put any custom text. Use automatic subtitles to conveniently display unit information. You can edit subtitles too. Use automatic titles/subtitles for parameterized gadgets so gadget’s title reflect its content.

Tip #6. Learn Dimension Filter tricks

Use SHIFT to select range of items. Switch to advanced mode to get access to layout customization and formulas.

Tip #7. Mash data from multiple sources/datasets

Tip #8. Make your pages pretty and distinct

Use themes to play with different color schemes and apply consistent look and feel to your pages. Add custom header or logo to your pages.

Tip #9. Use page descriptions/text 

Add descriptions to your pages to provide introductions and links to related content to viewers. Use hashtags in URLs to select specific values for parameterized pages.