Create data visualizations
Turn numbers into visuals: some useful tips for creating engaging data visualizations in Knoema.
Tip #1. Reuse!
No need to start from scratch. There are plenty of ready-to-use content available for you
- Gallery
- Atlas
Copy/paste visualizations between pages using Gadget Bin. Use “Save Copy” command to create a private copy of some page and alter it for your needs.
Tip #2. Dataset Viewer is your ultimate starting tool
- From gallery’s pages via «Open in Dataset Viewer» command for visualizations
- From World Data Atlas using «Explore data» command
- From search results
- From Data menu by browsing via dataset
Play with different visualizations in Dataset Viewer. It’s smart and recommends you best visualizations based on your data selection.
Tip #3. Create pages with many visualizations and customize layouts
- Select initial page layout while creating it, customize later as needed
- Use Split command to break gadget area into two either horizontally or vertically
- Resize gadgets using splitters on their edges
- Increase/decrease page height using resize handle at its bottom
Tip #4. Make your pages dynamic
Parameterization could be used to make your pages dynamic. There are 2 parameterization options:
Page-level parameterization. Parameterize page by country/indicator to reuse the same template, but substitute data for country/indicator selected by user.
Gadget linking. Link gadgets to provide detailed information based on user actions
- Link table rows to detailed chart presentation
- Display detailed data breakdown in chart/table for country clicked on a map
Tip #5. Rely on smart auto titles and subtitles
Tip #6. Learn Dimension Filter tricks
Tip #7. Mash data from multiple sources/datasets
Tip #8. Make your pages pretty and distinct
Tip #9. Use page descriptions/text