How to find a dataset used in a gadget?

How to find a dataset used in a gadget?

Once you found a page using a data you were looking for, it is easy to locate the data set itself.

How to find a dataset used in a gadget 

  1. Open a Knoema page having the gadget.
  2. Click the Options button on the top-right corner of the gadget.
  3. Select View in Dataset Viewer item from the drop-down menu.

    This will bring you to the Dataset Viewer with the relevant dataset open. Not only that, it will preselect dimension elements the gadget is using.

    The View in Dataset Viewer item might not be available if a gadget is using derived data. In this case, use a link with the dataset name right below a gadget or a page. It will open the Dataset Viewer with the dataset; however, no dimension elements will be selected.