Alliance Bernstein - Social Selling

Alliance Bernstein - Social Selling

There are four major feeds from Social Selling reports for Alliance Bernstein. Each feed is set up from a main data file with the help of certain supporting files. This page records the raw files, created datasets and locations of detailed code snippets of each feed.

I. Feed 1: LinkedIn

1. Raw files

(1) Sales_Navigator_Usage_Reporting.csv (Updated on Tuesdays)

(2) Base connections by Hierarchy.csv (Updated randomly, code is written to automatically pick up the most recent version on SFTP)

2. Script location

“/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_linkedin_automation.py”

3. DMT Routine

“AllianceBernstein\ AB_linkedin_ABLINKEDIN”

4. Datasets

(1) Dataset_id: ABLINKEDIN


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives LinkedIn performance metrics broken down by AB employees’ LinkedIn accounts.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 22-90 

(2) Dataset_id: ABLINKEDINTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Tuesdays).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 92-114

II. Feed 2: Breakdown by Workspace

1. Raw files

(1) BreakdownByWorkspace.csv (Updated on Mondays)

(2) Base connections by Hierarchy.csv (Updated randomly, code is written to automatically pick up the most recent version on SFTP)

2. Script location

“/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_ABBBW_automation.py”

3. DMT Routine


4. Datasets

(1) Dataset_id: ABBBW


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives “base connections” and “Connections End” metrics broken down by workspace names (AB employees).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_ABBBW_automation.py”
    Line 142-169

(2) Dataset_id: ABBBWTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_ABBBW_automation.py”
    Line 171-179

III. Feed 3: Hearsay Posts and Engagements

1. Raw files

(1) PostAllData.csv (Updated on Mondays)

(2) EngagementAllData.csv (Updated on Mondays)

(3) Base connections by Hierarchy.csv (Updated randomly, code is written to automatically pick up the most recent version on SFTP)

(4) Remove names from contact field.csv (Updated randomly, code is written to automatically pick up the most recent version on SFTP)

2. Script location

“/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”

3. DMT Routine

“AllianceBernstein\ AB_HEARSAY”

4. Datasets

(1) Dataset_id: ABHPABD


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives number of posts broken down by division.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 232-237

(2) Dataset_id: ABHEABD


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives number of engagements broken down by division.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 240-245

(3) Dataset_id: ABHTP


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives number of posts and engagements broken down by tags.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 267-274

(4) Dataset_id: ABHTPTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 276-285

(5) Dataset_id: ABHPABR


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives number of posts broken down by role.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 288-313

(6) Dataset_id: ABHPABRTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 315-325

(7) Dataset_id: ABHCLAC


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives number of likes and comments broken down by social account and contacts.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 328-338

(8) Dataset_id: ABHCLACTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 340-351

(9) Dataset_id: ABHPAEBSASFC


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives post performances broken down by social account.

  • Currently it’s not actively used in any dashboards. Please check with client whether they still need it upon completion of this project, and feel free to delete it if they do not.

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 354-368

(10) Dataset_id: ABHPAEBSASFCTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Actively in use as of now (2022-Feb).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 370-398 

(11) Dataset_id: ABBBCEITS


  • A times series dataset which gives numbers of likes and comments received by social accounts from contacts.

  • The “contact” dimension is set up to exclude all AB internal employees (everyone from “Base connections by Hierarchy.csv”) and some target people Sue meant to leave out (from “Remove names from contact field.csv”).

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Actively in use as of now (2022-Feb).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 401-449

(12) Dataset_id: ABNOCBWTS


  • A times series dataset which gives number of contacts of each social account.

  • The “contact” dimension is set up to exclude all AB internal employees (everyone from “Base connections by Hierarchy.csv”) and some target people Sue meant to leave out (from “Remove names from contact field.csv”).

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Actively in use as of now (2022-Feb).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 452-465

(13) Dataset_id: ABNOPBH


  • A screenshot flat dataset that is updated with most recent datafile.

  • It gives total number of posts broken down by hierarchy and month.

  • Actively in use as of now (2022-Feb).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_hearsay_automation.py”
    Line 512-543

(14) Dataset_id: ABNOPBHTTS


  • Same as above but in time series.

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Actively in use as of now (2022-Feb).

  • Code snippet location:
    “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/ AB_linkedin_automation.py”
    Line 469-510

 IV. Feed 4: Suggested Content Performance

Still in progress:

FIX-1923 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1. Raw files

SuggestedContentPerformance.csv (Updated on Mondays)

2. Script location

“/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_ABSCP_new.py”

3. Datasets



  • It’s a time series dataset in FLAT format, which gives content piece performance (e.g. number of likes/comments, etc).

  • “Date” is the dates of previous Sundays (considered as the end through dates for metrics) when each datafile get updated (weekly on Mondays).

  • Dimension “Primary Tag” is set up according to Sue’s rules. Detailed logic is set up in “/repo/UploadTools - Python/AllianceBernstein/AB_ABSCP_new.py” Line 74-122

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