Alliance Bernstein--Web Traffic

Alliance Bernstein--Web Traffic

  1. DMT Routine names:

2. This routine is designed to analysis the views, unique visits and revisits of the social media posts by AllianceBernstein (AB).

3. Dataset links:

a} Web Traffic by Page Name, Hierarchy and Publisher

The above dataset shows the number of views since launch by page name, hierarchy and publisher.

Here the views can be broken down by the date.

b) Web Traffic since Launch - Views, Unique Visits and Revisits by Page Name

This dataset shows web traffic metrics such as views, unique visitors and re-visitors by page name.

Here the dataset can not be broken down by date as this will conflict with calculating the unique visitor and revistor logic.

c) Web Traffic Monthly Statistics - Views, Unique Visits and Revisits by Page Name

This is the same as the second dataset however unique visitors and re-visitors are calculated on a per month basis.

The count for unique visitors and re-visitors is reset to zero every new month–meaning a visitor from the previous month will be seen as a new visitor in the current month.

4. Data Flow:

5. There are three nifi processor groups related to AB:

a) All the three processor groups are disconnected from the main DMT job processor group.

b) AB-social selling is related to all the datasets created by Mei, it has its own email triggers when the datasets are not updated.

c) AB-web traffic is only for the above mentioned 3 datasets.

d) ‘AB-web traffic email’ has email triggers only for above mentioned 3 datasets.